What are the Benefits of Broccoli?

The growing consciousness regarding a healthy diet reflects the root of our existence. Broccoli has gained fame in the recent two-three decades because of its nutritive properties and acceptance in the diet charts by nutritionists. Broccoli belongs to the mustard family, which is the Brassicaceae family of plants and is rich in phytonutrients. The Health Benefits of Broccoli are similar to those of the other members of the mustard family, like- Brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, etc.

Types of Broccoli belonging to the Mustard family of plants can be divided into three major varieties based on the cultivation. The types are as enumerated:

1. Calabrese broccoli is the most available type in markets all around the world. It gained its name from the Calabria region of Italy, and it consists of thick stalks with green heads ranging from 10 to 20 cm.

2. Sprouting Broccoli is available in white and purple color variants where the heads are available in large numbers; however, the stalks are thinner than the previous alternative. 

3. Purple/Violet Cauliflower - Although the name and its looks hint at cauliflower, the tiny flower buds and heads are segmented in the Broccoli cast. The tips of this vegetable are mostly violet, but the colors can also vary depending on geographical conditions.

Apart from these three, there are many cross-varieties of Broccoli available in the market. Most of which are results of cultivation using wild/local families of plants. Some such names include- Green magic, Beneforte, Green Goliath, etc.

What are the Benefits of Broccoli?

Green vegetables can be a part of our meals in both states - raw and cooked. Raw or gently steamed Broccoli offers the most nutritive qualities to the individual. However, we can also prepare cooked dishes in case one is not so fond of their raw flavor. Some of the nutritive and healthy benefits of Broccoli are:

1. The low glycemic index of Broccoli offers healthy cards in limited quantity; thus, healthy for diabetic individuals.

2. The beta-carotene present in Broccoli easily gets converted to Vitamin A, which is the chief medicine for night-blindness. 

3. A majority portion of Broccoli contains water and fibers, with no presence of fats.

4. It also offers a relatively high amount of protein content, being a green vegetable, which is healthy for a vegan diet.

5. Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is also present and boosts our immune system.

6. Vitamin K1 is present, which helps in blood coagulation in case of any injury or blood loss.

7. Vitamin B9 or Folate is essential for pregnant ladies, as it boots tissue growth and the normal functioning of the cells.

8. Minerals such as potassium, manganese, and iron are also present in Broccoli. Thus, it is beneficial for the formation of blood, control of blood pressure, and cure for other heart diseases.

9. There are several organic compounds present in Broccoli that cures inflammation, eye disease, cancer, skin problems, blood pressure, obesity, etc.

Also, Read - Health Benefits of Apple

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is beneficial as it provides sulfur-containing organic compounds and other bioactive elements. The inclusion of Broccoli in our regular diet will offer us a platter of antioxidants, fibers, minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Individuals can consume it in salads or make complete meals using this vegetable. The healthy benefits of Broccoli make it a must in meals for individuals of every age group. Some of the major health benefits of Broccoli are as listed:

1. Cancer Prevention - The high content of glucoraphanin in Broccoli is the prime reason why cancer patients should consume Broccoli. HDAC enzyme is the prime reason for the growth of cancerous cells in our body. Sulforaphane in Broccoli depletes this HDAC enzyme and boosts our immunity. It is most preferred for patients suffering from lung, uterus, colon, and breast cancer. 

2. Reduces Cholesterol Levels - Broccoli checks the cholesterol level in the blood using dietary fibers. These fibers bind the bile acids present in the digestive pipe and excrete the LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from the system. 

3. Reduces Obesity and Blood Sugar - The fiber content reduces the binge-eating desire in our body and offers a feeling of fullness. The low-glycemic index offers fewer calories and thus helps us control our body symmetry and blood-sugar level. 

4. Anti-inflammatory - Broccoli contains omega-3 fatty acids, sulforaphane, polyphenols, quercetin, etc. these organic compounds ease the healing process of arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, etc.

5. Acts as a detoxifying agent - The phytonutrients and the dynamic-trio present in Broccoli help the body to get rid of toxins by enhancing the metabolism rates. Consumption of Broccoli in a regular diet is directly proportional to the levels of natural detoxification in our system.

6. Eye Care - Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two major carotenoids in Broccoli which promises a decrease in age-related eye issues in individuals.

Broccoli and its Potential Downsides

There are numerous health benefits of Broccoli; however, there are some conditions where individuals should avoid the consumption of Broccoli. The high nutritive value can be a threat to individuals having:

Thyroid Issues

A high quantity of goitrogen is harmful to individuals with thyroid. Broccoli is measured to be a goitrogen; therefore, either it’s better to avoid eating it, or it should be cooked on a high flame.

Consumption of Blood thinners

Broccoli contains Vitamin K and is, therefore, not suitable for individuals who consume blood thinners for the proper working of their circulatory system. Consumption of Broccoli can interfere with the working of the blood-thinning medication and result in serious health conditions.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The high content of dietary fibers and FODMAP can cause issues in digestion for individuals suffering from IBS. Gas and bloating disorders are common after the consumption of any vegetables from the Mustard family of plants.

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