How to get rid of bad odour from body?

The human body is a complex biological system that works endlessly to strike a balance with the environment. Every cell, tissue, muscle, bone, and gland is designed to perform certain tasks to help in the smooth functioning of the other parts. Sweat glands are the temperature regulators of the body, which manage overall physical and mental stability. Perspiration occurs in most individuals through palms, feet, underarms, scalp, etc. The automatic nervous system controls the secretion of sweat and helps the body to get rid of unwanted substances. The odour from the body is common in individuals due to sweating and improper hygiene. Individuals try remedies for body odour to maintain their presence during social interaction. Hot and humid temperatures, tension or stress, and extensive exercises are prime reasons for perspiration. Moreover, escaping hygienic activities can lead to the growth of microorganisms in the body, which leads to body odour.

Causes of Body Odour

Our lifestyle, food habits, daily activities, choice of clothes, and health all affect our body odour. Body odour and sweating are perfectly normal in humans, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. However, bad odour from the body makes people uncomfortable, and they look for body odour remedies. Some of the causes of bad odour in the body are:

  1. Intake of strong-smelling food items in our diet or specific medical drugs also affects the secretion of hormones in the body. Some of the strong-smelling food which results in body odour are- onion, garlic, Brussels, fish, asparagus, tobacco, alcohol, etc. 
  2. Infections or blockages in sweat glands enhance the odour of the body. Therefore, consultation with the doctor and proper cleaning of the covered parts of the body are a must in this scenario. 
  3. Avoiding regular baths, use of natural cosmetics, wearing clean and dry clothes, etc., increases the development of skin bacteria. 
  4. Cotton clothes absorb sweat and prevent the growth of bacteria. However, synthetic fibers promote bacterial growth and a strong smell.
Bromhidrosis refers to a medical condition that causes extremely pungent body odour and can be embarrassing to the sufferer. Two sweat glands that cause this healthcare problem are:
  1. Apocrine is found in armpits and groin parts, where the bacteria creates an enzyme that breaks the sweat and produces by-products with a strong and sour smell.
  2. Eccrine is another sweat gland that is found all over the body, mostly on the palms of our hands and soles of our feet. The sweat released releases bacteria that break the keratin of the skin and leads to an offensive odour.

Body Odour Remedies

How do get rid of bad odour on the body? -is the common inquiry of most individuals facing excessive sweating and odour issues. There are numerous ways of body odour prevention; however, consultation with doctors can help in getting a rapid remedy. In case of an underlying disease leading to a bad odour, the doctor can help in the correct diagnosis to initiate treatment. However, in cases where sweating and lack of hygiene led to this state, some of the remedies can reduce the odour. They are:

  1. Getting a shower right after returning from the gym, work, marketplaces, etc. This helps to wash off the sweat and bacteria on the skin that develops due to physical activities. Moreover, keeping the body parts clean and dry after the shower refreshes the body cells.
  2. The cosmetic market offers numerous varieties of soaps as body odour remedies. However, anti-bacterial soaps with natural ingredients are the best for the skin. Individuals should use these to clean private and covered parts of the body to control the growth of bacteria in the sweat of the body.
  3. Using a clean and dry towel or handkerchief controls the buildup of bacteria in the sweat. Sweat is odourless; however, the growth of bacteria on it makes it stink. Individuals should wash and dry these cloth pieces regularly and ensure the cleaning of the areas which sweat a lot.
  4. Using antiperspirants with aluminum chloride keeps sweat at bay from the underarms, private parts, soles, and palms.
  5. Clean and properly dried clothes reduce the chances of bacterial growth in the body. Individuals should prefer natural fabrics like cotton and silk, as they are good for the skin and absorbs sweat.

Body Odour Home Remedies

Home remedies for odour and sweat control are safe and highly effective. Moreover, bacterial growth can be reduced from its initiating stage, and the chances of side effects are null. Some of the body odour home remedies are:
  1. After taking a shower, one should use coconut oil all over the skin. Moreover, it has an antimicrobial property, which prevents the growth of bacteria in sweat. Therefore, one can sweat but not have a bad odour from the body.
  2. One can also use lime on their armpits to reduce unpleasant odour. Lime comes with natural acidic properties, which control the growth of harmful bacteria, and it helps to remove dead cells or dirt from the skin. It also offers a refreshing smell to the body.
  3. Fenugreek or methi seeds are known for their antioxidant properties. Consuming them in tea or its water can flush out toxins from the body; therefore, it controls bacterial growth. This is a natural technique that offers a long-term positive effect on the body.
  4. Some individuals use baking soda to clean and stop bacterial growth in the armpits. Moreover, people add some natural ingredients with baking soda and make a paste to apply to the skin. This also brightens and smoothens the skin.
  5. Neem leaves are blended and applied in the covered areas to cleanse body parts and stop the growth of microbes. This also helps in the prevention of other forms of skin diseases.
  6. One of the most effective solutions for all health problems is drinking adequate water to flush in the toxins and pathogens from the body. This purifies the overall system and maintains the freshness of the body.
  7. Spicy or sugary food items, caffeine, tobacco, etc., should not be consumed at all for a healthy state of the body. Strong-smelling herbs and vegetables should be consumed in limited amounts to control bad odour from the body.
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