Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Dengue, a deadly disease caused by mosquito bites, can prove dangerous even when provided with proper treatment. This particular disease affects individuals every year. Moreover the problem of dengue increases to great manifold during the rainy season when the puddles filled with stagnant water become the breeding ground for mosquitos. Headache, high fever, vomiting, nausea, skin rashes, joint pains, etc are some of the common symptoms associated with dengue. Deal with this deadly disease there exist various home remedies for dengue prevention that one can try to keep themselves safe from this disease. These home remedies will help to bring down dengue fever and provide certain relaxation from the symptoms. Therefore if you have been wondering how to cure dengue then follow the simple home remedies. Let us have a look at the various home remedies for dengue and diet tips.

Papaya leaf juice 

Papaya leaf juice is one of the top and most effective home remedies for dengue fever that has been in use for ages. The intake of papaya leaf juice will enable you to increase the platelet count of your body which will release antibodies in fighting against the disease. The leaves of papaya are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that increase the immunity of your body. To use the leaves of papaya for dengue treatment you need certain few papaya levees, and crush them to extract the juice. Consume this papaya leaf juice daily till you get relief from the symptoms of dengue. 

Giloy Juice 

Giloy juice is an effective and one of the much-recommended home remedies for dengue prevention. Giloy aids to improve the metabolism and immunity of the body thereby decreasing the body temperature. Intake of giloy juice aids in building up immunity in the body and fighting against fever. One can easily find Giloy tablets or syrups in ayurvedic shops. You must consume two drops of the giloy juice in lukewarm water and consume it thrice a day. However, overconsumption of giloy juice can result in certain side effects. 

Neem Leaves 

Neem leaves are undoubtedly an excellent choice as a home remedy for dengue fever because of the high anti-bacterial properties contained in them. One needs to boil them in water and let the neem leaves seep into the water for some time. Then remove the neem leaves from the water and give that juice to the dengue to drink. This neem leaves juice helps to enhance the blood platelets of the body as well as the white blood cells. If the dengue patients drink this mixture of neem leaves juice it will help the body to get enhanced immunity and strength. Apart, from this, another benefit of this home remedy for dengue fever is that one can burn the dried neem leaves to ward off mosquitoes. It will help to keep the dengue mosquitoes i.e the Aedes mosquitoes at bay.

Orange Juice 

Citrus fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C that helps the body to develop immunity which in turn enables our body to fight against diseases. Therefore consumption of orange juice is highly recommended for those suffering from dengue fever. The high levels of vitamin C contained in orange juice not only will help to build immunity against the disease but will also detoxify your body thereby bringing down body temperature. Moreover, the consumption of orange juice will also result in repairing the cells and combatting the infection caused due to dengue. Therefore due to its high content of Vitamin C, orange juice is considered one of the best home remedies for dengue fever.

Fresh Guava juice 

Fresh guava juice is an excellent home remedy for dengue fever. Guavas contain a high amount of various nutrients that aid the body in fighting dengue. Guavas are a rich source of Vitamin C that aids in building immunity. The high amount of nutrients present in guavas provides the body with the required minerals to repair the cells damaged due to dengue fever. Therefore those suffering from dengue fever must make it a point to include fresh guava juice in their daily consumption. Moreover, you can also consider taking fresh guava each day instead of its juice. 

Fenugreek Seeds

If you have been wondering how to prevent dengue fever then the answer lies in your kitchen condiment rack. Fenugreek seeds are a common and frequently used ingredient in our daily meals. Along with enhancing the taste of the dishes, fenugreek seeds act as an excellent home remedy for dengue fever. Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of fiber, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C that provides the body with the required nutrients to fight against dengue. Fenugreek seeds contain multiple nutrients that help to cure dengue fever. to consume fenugreek seeds as dengue prevention soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight and consume it daily twice a day. 

Mosquito Repellants 

If you are wondering how to cure dengue fever then the first preventive that you need to undertake is the use of mosquito repellants. Use of Mosquito repellants such as coils, vaporizers, mosquito nets, ointments, etc must be used to keep the mosquitos at bay thereby keeping yourself safe from dengue fever. 


Your query on how to cure dengue lies in the use of Goldenseal. To its high effectiveness in curing dengue, it is considered among the top home remedies for dengue prevention. The dried roots of this herb help to remove the dengue virus from the body. 

There exist numerous options in the arena of home remedies for dengue and diet tips. By using all the above-mentioned home remedies you can get rid of dengue fever. The usage of these home remedies will ensure that your body develops immunity and antibody against the dengue virus. Moreover, along with taking into consideration the home remedies for dengue prevention, you must also ensure that water is not left stagnant in any place since stagnant water acts as a breeding place for mosquitos. 

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