What Is Gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis refers to a condition in which normal spontaneous movement of the muscles present in the human stomach is affected. Generally, due to strong muscle contradiction, foods get propelled efficiently through the digestive tract. But in the case of Gastroparesis, the motility of the stomach is slowed down. In some cases, the mechanism of the stomach muscles to propel food does not work and thereby preventing the stomach from getting emptied properly. However, the reason behind the occurrence of this problem is still not known. In numerous cases, it is a complication of diabetes, but in some cases, it occurs post-surgery. Hence, to know about gastroparesis, its treatment, symptoms, its causes, etc., continue to read this short article:

What Is Gastroparesis

What is Gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis signifies partial paralysis of the stomach; it is a type of disease in which the human stomach loses its ability to move food in a normal way. In people having this condition, the damaged muscles and nerves of the stomach do not efficiently function with their normal strength. People who have had diabetes for a long period are more prone to suffer from this problem. For people who do not have diabetes, this condition gastroparesis relates to acid reflux.

Gastroparesis can tend to interfere with the normal digestion process and thereby cause other problems such as vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdomen region, etc. Gastroparesis can also cause problems with blood sugar levels as well as nutrition. Although there is currently no cure for gastroparesis, certain medications, and dietary changes can help to lessen this condition.

Symptoms of Gastroparesis

Now people would be thinking about how to know if someone is suffering from gastroparesis or not. What are the gastroparesis symptoms to watch out for so that it can be identified instantly, and effective treatment can be started immediately without any delay? Hence, the gastroparesis symptoms are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting the undigested food
  • Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux 
  • Feeling full quickly while eating
  • Mismanagement of blood sugar
  • Weight Loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic pain in the abdomen region
  • Enlargement or bloating of the abdomen region

Watching out for any of these symptoms signifies that they are gastroparesis symptoms, and as soon as the symptoms start, consultation with the doctor should be done so that appropriate treatment can be started at the earliest.

Gastroparesis Treatment

Gastroparesis is a long-lasting health condition. Even though the treatment does not cure gastroparesis, effective gastroparesis treatment helps to manage the symptoms.

People who suffer from diabetes should remain more careful and manage their glucose levels to manage the gastroparesis symptoms. There is some effective treatment for gastroparesis that helps to subside the symptoms and provide relief to the patients. Hence, treatment for gastroparesis is as follow:


People diagnosed with gastroparesis may feel vomiting and nausea even after taking certain medicines. The most effective way to get relief from all the symptoms is to undergo surgery. Gastric Electrical Stimulation surgery is performed for gastroparesis treatment. This type of surgery sends mild electrical shocks to the stomach muscles. A small device known as a gastric stimulator is initially inserted into the abdomen. When electric shocks are given through this device, it enables the patient to vomit.

Similarly, another surgery for gastroparesis treatment is Gastric Bypass. In this, a small pouch is created in the top portion of the stomach, then the small intestine is divided into half, and then the lower end of the small intestine is directly attached to the small stomach pouch. However, in this type of surgery, a restriction is imposed on the amount of food that the patients consume. This type of gastroparesis treatment is effective for people with diabetes and obesity.


Taking some medicines also helps to treat the problem of Gastroparesis. Medicines are suitable for those patients who do not prefer surgery. Hence, the medicines which help in reducing gastroparesis symptoms and treat this condition are as follows:

  • Antiemetic - This type of medicine helps to manage the symptoms of nausea.
  • Erythromycin - This is an anti-biotic which causes a contradiction in the stomach and thereby ensures effective movement of the food out from the stomach.
  • Reglan - This drug causes the muscles present in the stomach to contract and move the food out of the stomach. Consuming this medicine also helps to significantly reduce the symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Causes of Gastroparesis

Now, let’s get clear about the Gastroparesis causes. In numerous cases, it is found that it is caused by damage to the nerves, including the vagus nerve, which regulates the digestive system. But it is also found that gastroparesis is caused by diabetes along with nerve damage.

However, some of the causes of gastroparesis are as follows:

  • Injury to the vagus nerve due to surgery
  • Lack of thyroid hormone or hypothyroidism
  • Viral stomach infections such as gastroenteritis
  • Use of certain medicines such as anti-depressants or narcotics
  • Multiple sclerosis in the body
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Deposit of protein fiber in organs and tissue

Complications of gastroparesis

Gastroparesis can cause certain complications, such as:

  • Food that stays in the stomach for a long time can ferment
  • Causes dehydration
  • Increase the blood sugar level in the body

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From our above discussion, it would be clear What is Gastroparesis. This article discusses in-depth about gastroparesis, its symptoms, causes, and treatment. Looking out for the symptoms of gastroparesis helps to identify it at the earliest, and effective treatment can be started at the earliest.

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