Amazing Benefits of Ghee

Would our aloo parathas taste as heavenly as they do if they were not topped with ghee, or would you be able to finish the same bowl of dal if it did not have the ghee tadka? Our relationship with ghee or clarified butter is an age-old phenomenon, the ties of which are still immensely strong. Ghee is not only used as one of the key ingredients in cooking, but according to Ayurveda, it holds incredible healing benefits for the skin and promotes overall health. Ghee is a form of clarified butter that is prepared from milk. During its preparation, the milk solids and water are removed because of which ghee has more fat concentration than other forms of butter. Ghee consists of plenty of vitamin A and Omega-3 fatty acids, which adds to the immense benefits of ghee. Ghee is a major superfood, and the benefits of ghee are not one but many. Along with our recipes, ghee has found its much-coveted space in our hair and skin care rituals as well. Let us have a look at the various wonderful benefits of ghee, that not only promises you good health but amazing skin and hair also. 

Wondrous Benefits of Ghee 


Ensures Better Intestinal Health

One of the excellent benefits of ghee is its ability to ensure intestinal health. Ghee contains a high concentration of butyric acid, which offers strength and ensures the overall health of the intestinal walls. Moreover, the butyric acid present in ghee is a major source of energy for the cells of the colon. 


Induces Weight Loss

There is a common myth among people that ghee triggers weight gain. Rather, on the contrary, one of the significant benefits of ghee is its role in inducing weight loss. Although ghee is loaded with fat, it contains medium-chain fatty acids, also commonly known as MCT. These MCTs do not store in the body's adipose tissues; rather, they get used up by the body for boosting energy, thus preventing weight gain. Moreover, the benefits of ghee in weight loss are also due to the fact that it contains linoleic acid that helps in fighting obesity. Ghee contains several healthy fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, and many more, which remove excess fat and increase lean body mass. Thus the benefits of ghee not only stay limited to promoting weight loss but also offering a lean body structure. 


Heals Urticaria

Hives or urticaria are sudden breakouts on the skin surface in the form of small bumps, usually caused by stress, allergies, or insect bite. Amongst the benefits of ghee lies its capability to cure urticaria. The application of pure ghee to the infected area reduces redness and itchiness. Besides an external application, consuming ghee mixed with one tablespoon of black pepper powder on an empty stomach also eases this skin condition.


Improves Eyesight

While discussing the amazing benefits of ghee, its role in improving eyesight must be supported. Ghee is rich in Vitamin- A, a major stimulant in improving eyesight. Moreover, applying ghee around the eyes also helps immensely improve eye health. 


Ensures Skin Care

The benefits of ghee in skincare are miraculous. Due to its amazing properties, ghee has been used in several skincare regimes since time immemorial. The ghee benefits for skin lie in offering soft and supple, infection-free skin. Since ghee is made from buffalo or cow milk, it is packed with fatty acids that offer hydration to the skin, thus keeping it young and wrinkle-free. 


Good for Heart

Though many hold ghee guilty of increasing cholesterol levels, it is a safe option for the heart. The fatty acids contained in ghee do not get stored in the body but rather get used up for providing energy to the body, and hence are a good option for the heart. 

Prevents Cancer

There are numerous benefits of eating ghee daily, including cancer prevention. One of the primary fatty acids in ghee is conjugated fatty acid and butyrate, which reduces the growth of cancerous cells. 


Excellent Energy Source

Amongst the several benefits of ghee, another major one is its energy-boosting capacity. It contains short and medium-chain fatty chain acids, such as lauric acid, a potent antifungal and antimicrobial element. The fatty acids contained in ghee easily get converted into energy, ensuring that you stay active all day long. 


Strengthen Bones

The benefits of ghee also lie in its potential to strengthen bones. It contains vitamin K, which helps in calcium absorption, thus preventing atherosclerosis. 

Soothes Digestive System

Ghee contains several short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, that help ease inflammation and maintain your digestive system's health. Ghee stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, thus facilitating proper digestion. 

Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

Ghee contains numerous unsaturated fatty acids that offer hydration, lock moisture in the tresses, and tackle dry and lifeless hair. Moreover, the lauric acid in ghee contains antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which remove itchiness, flakes, and dandruff, thus offering a clean and healthy scalp. 

Best Cure for Clogged Nose

A cold and clogged nose is a real menace. You face difficulty in breathing, the taste buds get hampered, and let us not forget the nausea, exhaustion, and headache that follows. Ayurveda has an excellent nasal drop remedy that eases clogged nose within minutes. One major benefit of ghee is offering relief from a clogged nose. As per Ayurveda, pouring a few drops of warm ghee in the nostrils helps in relieving a clogged nose. 


Summing Up


To summarize, ghee, a must-have ingredient in almost every household, contains several amazing benefits for health, skin, and hair. This important and age-old ingredient plays an important role in our rituals, cooking, and even in our daily skin and hair care regime. The benefits of ghee range from offering smooth and supple skin to preventing cancer. Ghee is a rich source of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids and is loaded with several antioxidants, which make it antifungal and antimicrobial in nature. Moreover, it ensures longevity and promotes good eyesight, cardiac health, and hormonal balance. To reap the benefits of ghee, consuming it daily in moderation amounts is advisable. 


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